![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] 1A El Daawah Street, Block 12, 2nd Floor, Flat 24,El Sefarat District, Nasr City, cairo Egypt QualityZone is an Egyptian company founded in 2011 and headquartered in Nasr City, Cairo.
On 22nd September 2011, QualityZone accredited by the ESTB (Egyptian Software Testing Board) as a tra...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] 13 Abdallah Deraz Ard ElGolf-Cairo-Egypt About US
We are reputed professional service providers of value management, Product & System consultancy. We have sun shining expertise in total implementation of Value and Quality Management....
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] .اكاديميةالتنمية هي احد انشطة مشروع دعم قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدني في مجالات الدعوةوكسب التأييد بإستخدام آليات الاعلام الجديد والذي ينفذه مركز دعم التنميةوالتأهيل المؤسسي DISC بدعم من مبادرة الشراك...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] Mission
Quality education changes lives, It instills knowledge, inspires thought, and prepares the leaders of tomorrow. If you would like to enter this rewarding and important field, ANZ c...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] 10 Ghaleb Hammouda,, Cairo, Egypt
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0]
Our Mission:
Increasing human productivity & capabilities through the deployment of the right people in the right place.
Exit Company is a Human Resources consul...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] Markedu.com is your one-stop-shop for all your marketing inspiration and educational needs. You can pick and chose between various types of marketing educational and inspirational programs ranging ...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] Since the professional market is expanding and changing so speedily, business throughout the world need well trained and conversant employees to win the marketplace battle. hence, we, , make every ef...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] What is TIEC
The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) aims to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in ICT for the benefit of national economy. The center has been lau...
![0](/desktopmodules/advancedbusinessdirectory/images/rating/default/0.gif) [0] الكورسات المدعمةمن المنظمة العربية الدولية
تنفرد المنظمةالعربية الدولية بتدريب بعض البرامج التدريبية على ايدي خبراء واستشاريون فى مجالالتدريب
اخصائى تسويق بريدالكتروني
يتم التدريب على ...
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